Soul of Sonoma soars on the strength of our diverse community of purveyors and connoisseurs. VISTAS magazine shares their stories through exclusive features and articles. Support our mission share your brand with our audience! Become an event partner and or subscribe to stay “au courant” with all things premium BIPOC wine and food!
Celebrations & Libations Coffee Table Book
This year-one coffee table book is perfect for enthusiasts who enjoy perusing culinary and "vino-soaked" stories and photos. This unique and beautiful book includes BIPOC culinary, wine, and travel information and features stories about Soul of Sonoma clients and event attendees. The editorial also includes lifestyle content featuring thought leaders, businesses, exclusive events, and premium hosting advice. Don’t miss out on this perfect gift for yourself, your bestie, and loved ones who enjoy celebrating the finer things in life.
*Sale pre-order price $75
*120 Pages (Ships by December 11, 2024)
vistas print
VISTAS is a print multicultural lifestyle magazine published six times per year, featuring articles on food, wine, and living well! Wine enthusiasts enjoy "vino-soaked" issues that include culinary, wine, and travel guides. VISTAS magazine caters to the interests of Soul of Sonoma clients and event attendees through our affiliation with thought leaders, local businesses, exclusive events, and premium service providers.
vistas digital
Enjoy the convenience of delivery to your inbox. VISTAS caters to Soul of Sonoma customers and event attendees. VISTAS provides wine enthusiasts with premium content that includes wine-tasting guides, culinarian profiles, in-depth interviews, and much more.. As we travel around the country (and the globe) experiencing delicious wine and culinary traditions, we look forward to exploring these new VISTAS with you.
grapvyne e-newsletter
Our dynamic stories happen every day of the year, and there’s so much to share and discuss with readers. In addition to a monthly calendar of national BIPOC food and wine events learn about easy and delicious gourmet recipes. Readers enjoy premium content curated for a high-end diverse market.
VISTAS magazine produces proprietary editorial content, and accepts copy and photographs from Soul of Sonoma patrons. The publication informs our community of upcoming events and reports on their activities in addition to covering exciting developments in the multicultural food and wine world. Accepted articles are edited to magazine style guidelines. SUBMIT EDITORIAL PROPOSALS HERE.
Advertise in VISTAS!
We deliver an elegant and seamless printed and digital platform for savvy business owners to share their stories with influential and affluent people in their communities and from around the country. Partners can be featured as advertisers, event sponsors and vendors, in email blasts, social media platforms, and themed marketing campaigns.